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The Rumsey Circle Parents Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the students, faculty, and staff of the school.

Our mission is to enhance the school experience by promoting a strong sense of community among parents and encourage parent involvement through different events and volunteer opportunities.

All Rumsey parents are encouraged to volunteer in some capacity to support the overall mission of the school.

There are a diverse range of volunteer opportunities that promote service, giving, and a strong philanthropic example for our next generation.

Through active involvement, parents and guardians contribute their voice, energy, and ideas.

Volunteering is also a wonderful way to make new friends and to learn more about our school.

Parents volunteer as EC officers and general volunteers, as well Committee Chairpersons and members of various PA Committees.


Community Events

Our parents help coordinate a variety of events throughout the school year - some of which are for the whole community and others aimed specifically towards the children or adults.


  • Parents' Night Out!: A welcome event at the beginning of the year where parents can socialize and chat with select faculty. It's a great way to meet new and returning parents.
  • Hiking: Join fellow parents for a walk in the woods after drop-off on select days in the fall. Another great way to meet new parents and get a little exercise. Look out for sign-ups in the Rumsey Circle Monthly Newsletter and on our Facebook page. Dogs welcome! (Fall)
  • Piece of the Pie: Parents come together to show gratitude by collecting pies which are then distributed to the faculty and staff just before Thanksgiving break. (November)
  • Holiday Cookie Boxes: Volunteers gather in the Dining Hall to assemble holiday cookie boxes. These boxes are distributed to the faculty and staff just prior to winter recess (December)
  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day: Annual event where parents come together to show their appreciation for the faculty and staff. Parents are asked to contribute food or donations to help with the celebration (MAY)
  • Book Fair: In the spring, the Rumsey Circle partners up with Scholastic and the Dicke Family Library to host a Spring Book Fair. A multitude of genres with options for children and young adults are offered to encourage the love of reading and exploration. Volunteers help to set up books, displays and work the checkout (MAY)
  • Bake Sale, Valentine's Day Fundraiser and more!



Text Messages

If you would like to receive text message reminders about upcoming Rumsey Circle events and opportunities, please click on the button below to sign-up.


Rumsey Circle Executive Committee


Danielle Young P'22, '23, '26


Becky Alvez P'32


Communications Coordinator
Ledlie Pastor '92, P'27, '29


Recording Secretary
Millie Perry P’27


Elizabeth Dayton P’32, ‘35


Lower School Coordinator
AnaCristina Joseph P'29, '30


Upper School & Community Coordinator
Robin Izadpanah P'26




Parent Committees

Community Building

This committee works to create social gatherings that help ensure families feel welcome in the Rumsey community. We believe that a more unified parent body helps to enhance the events and activities at school that support our children throughout the year. We encourage parents to attend events such as Parents' Night Out, Hiking, and Casual Coffee w/ the Rumsey Circle.

Class Parent

Class Parents help to keep parents in their designated class reminded of activities, deadlines, and upcoming events. Class Parents act as a valuable “support resource” for times when the teacher requests additional resources and/or support (e.g., asking parents to gather materials for a class project or helping organize chaperones for a class field trip). Class Parents also facilitate the social interaction among the families in the class and, in support of the RCPA’s efforts, among the Rumsey community at large.


This committee organizes fundraising initiatives such as the Valentine's Day Fundraiser. The student council participates in deciding where the funds are donated. Other pop-up events also occur throughout the year that raise funds to assist with Rumsey Circle events. We are always looking for new and innovative ideas.

Book Fair

In the spring, the Rumsey Circle partners up with Scholastic and the Dicke Family Library to host a spring Book Fair. A multitude of genres with options for children and young adults are offered to encourage the love of reading and exploration. Volunteers help to set up books, displays, and work the checkout.

Teacher/Staff Appreciation

This committee comes together several times a year to organize events such as Piece of the Pie, Holiday Cookie Boxes, and Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day. Donations are collected from parents and volunteers organize the distribution to faculty and staff.

Lower School Carnival

Volunteers for this committee coordinate with vendors, faculty, the dining hall, and maintenance staff to run the Lower School Carnival at the end of year. Volunteers recruit parents to help with food prep, run craft tables, supervising lawn games/other activities, and clean up.

"Volunteering with the Rumsey Circle has felt rewarding. I don't have a lot of time so it's nice to be able to volunteer for certain events that work with my schedule." - Anonymous Parent


"I encourage all parents to volunteer - I've met many parents through volunteering and getting involved in school events over the years. It's also a great way to stay connected in the day-to-day activities of the school." -Current Parent